Oatmeal B-C-B Pancake

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Oatmeal B-C-B Pancake

- 50g / 7 tablespoons Instant Oats

- 1 ripe medium banana (1/2 more if you prefer sweeter)

- 1 egg

- 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

- olive oil to lightly coat pan

- blueberries (as much as you want) *may replace blueberry with alternative of your favourite*


1. Mixed the oats and egg well.

2. Smash the banana and mix into the oats.

3. Add cinnamon powder and mix well.

4. Drop blueberries into the mixture.

5. Lightly coat pan with olive oil and keep at medium heat.

6. Use a tablespoon to scoop the mixture and pour spoonful onto pan. Just nice for bite sizes pancake.

7. When it turn light brown, flip the pancakes. It is now ready to serve. Dig in on Oatmeal Banana Cinnamon Blueberry Pancake.