Oats with Soymilk and Glutinous Rice Ball

Recipe Image
Oats with Soymilk and Glutinous Rice Ball
  • 1 cup of Instant Quaker Oats
  • 1 cup of Soybeans
  • 1 packet of Sesame Glutinous Rice Balls
  • Gula Melaka (optional)



1. In a pot, add the soybeans and bring to a boil.

2. Simmer for 20 minutes and lower down the fire.

3. Use a filter and drain out the beans, the filtered soymilk should be smooth and silky.

4. Place the glutinous rice balls in a pot of boiling water. Keep stirring to avoid the rice balls from sticking to the pan.

5 Place the cooked Glutinous Rice Balls inside cold water to maintain the chewiness. 

6. Add soymilk, Oats and Glutinous Rice Balls in a bowl. 

7. After mixing well, add in Gula Melaka to enhance the aroma.

8. Viola! A bowl full of nutrients for the whole family with simple ingredients.